Unité Mixte de Recherche - botAnique et bioinforMatique de l'Architecture des Plantes

CIRAD - TA A51 / PS2 - 34398 Montpellier cedex 5 - France
Tel.: +33 4 67 61 71 87
FAX: +33 4 67 61 56 68


A Multimedia Approach to Computer Aided Identification

for Capacity Building in Taxonomy



IDAO Screen shots 


A few screen shots to get an idea of how the identification software looks like:


Preview of the drawings used by the identification software


I.D.A.O. can be implemented on different mediums:

Windows (CD or downloadable versions)

The Microsoft Windows version for XP and Vista is available on two media:
on CD-Rom but also downloadable directly from various websites.
Download here an application on weeds of Laos and Cambodia.


Application developed using FOSS tools such as MySQL for database, SVG for vector graphics and PHP as the scripting language.
Try here with Mozilla Firefox V1.5 or above.
Application developed for Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 or above with Adobe SVG viewer plugin.
Try here to use it.

Ultra Mobile PC

Identification in the field with an UMPC:


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